
  • Fontes AS started off as a geological consulting company in 1985 under the name of GEO-RECON as. For many years, this company developed modules, software and analytical solutions for enhanced oil and gas recovery. The company worked for all national and international oil companies having been active offshore Norway.

Over the years the focus of the company’s activities gradually changed over from geology only, towards a wider aspect of activities, mainly hydro-geology and drinking water related issues. Fontes AS started these activities its as consultants for some Norwegian companies and NGOs which have been developing drinking water related products and solutions, and has expanded its know-how in water purification and waste water handling. Fontes both developed products and sold them to the emergency market. Fontes became very strong in consultancy towards leadership in disaster management and change management. Through courses and training, these capacities were implemented and applied in many NGOs worldwide.

Fontes GmbH Switzerland was established in August 2016 to support management and technical developments within the sector of water service delivery. Main focus of the company is to cooperate with other Swiss companies and institutions to facilitate and initiate social business development in the water sector in developing and emerging economies. While combining investments with smart technical solutions, the aim is to make water related services available for large populations through proper management and monitoring. Continuous water services are becoming available at affordable prices for the well-being and prosperous livelihood of people. Ongoing activities show that it is possible to reach 100-thousands with reliable services while investing in up-scaling and continuous improvements.

Fontes Uganda Ltd – Fontes AS registered in Uganda

On April 15th 2009, Fontes AS officially registered a branch office in Uganda under the name Fontes Uganda Limited. The purpose of the registration is to access the African market with regional representation, in order to be able to bid on contracts locally. The local registration also makes it possible for Fontes to work in partnership with other local consultancies, or to be local consultants for international consultancy companies carrying out work in Uganda.

Fontes Uganda Ltd, P.O. Box 37684,

Kampala Uganda  Contact person: 

Lucrezia Biteete 

Mobile phone: +256 704 021 680, +256 753 538 916